Gravel Rallye Rhine Valley
에디션 기록
Königschaffhausen, Baden-Württemberg, 독일
11 10월, 2024 (금)
이벤트 크기: (최대 400명까지 등록 가능)
그래블 바이크
65 km, 85 km, 160 km
이벤트 정보
Dear gravel fans! The off-road event in the Kaiserstuhl cycling paradise in the Rhine valley between the Black Forest and the Vosges.
Most of the rally takes you over striking vineyard terraces, through idyllic wine-growing villages and so-called hollow alleys of the small mountains of volcanic origin. Fantastic 360 ° all-round views are the perfect breather on the undulating profile of the Gravel Rallye Rhine Valley.
You can expect two full-fledged routes with spicy ascents and descents with fast, winding forest and gravel paths. Meadow slopes and old asphalt roads provide plenty of variety and require good grip and some technical driving skills. You can give powerful gravel speed on the flat line along the banks of the Rhine. Your heart not only beats for joy, no, it will laugh out loud!
Most of the rally takes you over striking vineyard terraces, through idyllic wine-growing villages and so-called hollow alleys of the small mountains of volcanic origin. Fantastic 360 ° all-round views are the perfect breather on the undulating profile of the Gravel Rallye Rhine Valley.
You can expect two full-fledged routes with spicy ascents and descents with fast, winding forest and gravel paths. Meadow slopes and old asphalt roads provide plenty of variety and require good grip and some technical driving skills. You can give powerful gravel speed on the flat line along the banks of the Rhine. Your heart not only beats for joy, no, it will laugh out loud!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
85 km
11 10월, 2024 (금)
그래블 바이크
85 km
1400 m 상승 고도
65 km
11 10월, 2024 (금)
그래블 바이크
65 km
1100 m 상승 고도
160 km
11 10월, 2024 (금)
그래블 바이크
160 km
1700 m 상승 고도
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공식 링크
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버전: 10.7.4