Gran Fondo Garda Bottecchia
에디션 기록
Lake Garda, 이탈리아
24 3월, 2024 (일)
90 km
이벤트 정보
A sought-after route along most of the roads that surround the south east of Lake Garda and its hinterland.
A track with a Flemish style soul. There will be numerous tears and positive slopes that you will encounter along the way.
A real demonstration of the variety of roads that exist in our territory, leaving out the long climbs and the marked differences in height of the nearby Monte Baldo. Great for restarting the season without having to deal with large gradients.
You will also pedal in part Val d'Adige along the Adige right near the Wind Park. In the final race, the last two consecutive stretches, draw the last stretch that will bring you back to the coast of the lake.
A track with a Flemish style soul. There will be numerous tears and positive slopes that you will encounter along the way.
A real demonstration of the variety of roads that exist in our territory, leaving out the long climbs and the marked differences in height of the nearby Monte Baldo. Great for restarting the season without having to deal with large gradients.
You will also pedal in part Val d'Adige along the Adige right near the Wind Park. In the final race, the last two consecutive stretches, draw the last stretch that will bring you back to the coast of the lake.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
90 km
24 3월, 2024 (일)
90 km
1000 m 상승 고도
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버전: 10.7.4