Golden Gate Headlands Marathon, Half & 10K
에디션 기록
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, CA, 미국
05 4월, 2025 (토)
이벤트 크기: 100 - 999 참가자
트레일 러닝
10 km, 21.097 km, 42.195 km
주최자: Enviro-Sports
이벤트 정보
As you reach the summits of this course, you'll take in a view of San Francisco Bay tucked behind the rolling green hills of the Marin Headlands to the east and looking west you will view the Pacific Ocean. One thing's certain...the views this course offers are unlike any other. You'll start and finish at the historic parade ground at Ft. Barry in Rodeo Valley. Along this scenic trail run through the Marin Headlands, you'll soak in panoramic vistas of the Golden Gate Bridge, the San Francisco Bay and the lush Pacific shoreline peppered with vibrant wildflowers. The course is a combination of single track hiking trails and fire roads. The event is limited to 400 participants and sells out every year so don't wait too long to register!
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버전: 10.9.3