Glow for a Cause: Tackle Trauma
에디션 기록
Kiwanis Park, AZ, 미국
07 2월, 2026 (토)
5 km
이벤트 정보
Join the Arizona Trauma Association in a vibrant celebration to support a vital cause. Participants are encouraged to wear neon gear at Kiwanis Park, stepping back into the 90s while taking strides to save lives and raise trauma awareness. Whether present or joining virtually, participants will receive themed gear. This annual event supports injury prevention, education, and research efforts, aiming to reduce fatalities across Arizona. Trauma can affect anyone, playing a massive role in public health issues, especially among children and young adults. Unite with us to pave the path toward a healthier future, making a significant impact together.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 47주 남았습니다
5 km
07 2월, 2026 (토) - 07:00
5 km
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버전: 10.7.4