Fleet Feet Poughkeepsie & Brooks Earth Day Cleanup Run or Walk
이벤트 정보
Our Earth Day Clean-Up "Run" has become an annual tradition at Fleet Feet and is a great way to give back to our community. The 2023 event will occur a few days before Earth Day, on Wednesday 4/19 at 7 pm. We will work as a group to clean up the South Hills parking lot area which is constantly littered with trash. We will supply the bags and the gloves, all you need to do is show up ready to do a little work while having fun with friends! This is a great event for kids!
It's $10 to join and all participants will receive the following:
* $10 in "Fleet Feet Bucks" good through the end of May
* An custom hand-made Earth Day medal (scroll down for the image)
* An amazing feeling of accomplishment for giving back to your community!
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버전: 10.9.8