Fleet Feet Free Thanksgiving Day 5K Fun Run - San Diego
에디션 기록
San Diego, CA, 미국
28 11월, 2024 (목)
5 km
이벤트 정보
Experience a delightful gathering in San Diego with Fleet Feet, perfect for travelers and families, combining exercise, community spirit, and a touch of gratitude. Begin your day with a leisurely, stroller-friendly "fun run" along a charming sidewalk route. Embrace the spirit of giving by contributing canned food donations to the San Diego Food Bank, aiding the local community. Follow the inspiring journey of Kevin Hopp as he undertakes a 350-mile run to generate funds for Molly's Angels Foundation, Monarch Schools, and Vista Hill. Enhance his mission by joining the RunGiving Strava Group, where every mile logged supports a significant $25,000 fundraising target. For more information, reach out via email at [email protected]. Conclude your morning with refreshing treats and exclusive early Black Friday shopping opportunities.
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버전: 10.9.4