First Annual GRTC Members' Summer Picnic
3.1 mi
이벤트 정보
Mark your calendars for the First Annual GRTC Members' Summer picnic on 7/24/21 at the Canfieldwoods Shelter at Mendon Ponds Park, brought you by
Joseph A Tally Jr of RE/MAX PlusThe cost is $15 per person. However, it is:
FREE to the first 50 active GRTC members Courtesy of support from Joseph A Tally Jr of RE/MAX PlusJust sign up, show up on July 24, 2021, and if you are one of the first 50, who signed up for the picnics, you will be reimbursed 100% of what you paid for the picnic. FREE to the GRTC Terrain Trio Trifecta participants If you are one of the GRTC Terrain Trio Trifecta Participants - sign up for the picnic, show at the picnic, and we'll reimburse you 100% of what you paid for the picnic. It’s not too late to sign up for the GRTC Terrain Trio Trifecta - If you are not a GRTC member, sign up for the picnic at $15 will also receive a free Year Individual GRTC Membership valued at $20; Pssst - GRTC members get up to $60 in race registration discounts annually!
*** All the profits from the First Annual GRTC Member's Summer Picnic will be donated to Golisano children's hospital. Please consider donating, even if you don't plan to attend the picnic since 100% of your donation will go towards the
Golisano Children's Hospital
11 AM – optional fun run for all interestedNoon to 2 PM - food by Roc City Sammich and fellowship.1 PM – Awards for GRTC Terrain Trio Trifecta
Oh yes - did we mention that Roc City Sammich will serve delicious food!
With all these perks, it remains a bargain. So signup today! We’ll see everyone on July 24!
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버전: 10.9.3