Erica D. Lanier Memorial Virtual 5K Run/Walk
5 km
이벤트 정보
We are announcing the fourth annual 5k Run/Walk to honor the life and legacy of Erica Danielle Lanier. Erica dedicated her life to service and founded Gifted Girls of Grace (GGOG). The mission of GGOG is to cultivate and enrich the lives of teenage girls by incorporating sisterhood, culture, etiquette, and self-empowering activities into their daily lives, enabling young women to reach their full potential as cultured, sisterly, and goal-oriented young women. All proceeds from the 5k Run/Walk will go to fund GGOG activities. You can read about Erica using the following link.
A Virtual 5k Run/Walk means you can run, jog or walk wherever you choose to, including your neighborhood, a park, a track, or on a treadmill. Pick the best time on 9/21/2024 to complete your run/walk (3.1 miles).
Entry Fee & Registration (a processing fee will be added to each transaction):
$30 - Early Bird Entry is from 8/5/2024 - 8/31/2024$35 - Regular Entry is from 9/1/2024 - 9/23/2024Participant Incentives/Giveaways:
Early Bird - Register by 8/31/2024 to get a $5 discount off the Regular Entry FeeDonations are welcomed and will help us reach our goal. Please click on the DONATE button above.For more information about Gifted Girls of Grace, please visit
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버전: 10.9.5