이벤트 정보
Endure24 is a thrilling and intense 24-hour trail running race where you can compete as a solo runner or in teams to cover as many laps of a course as possible. Since its inception in 2017, the solo entry for its Leeds venue, Yorkshire's beautiful Bramham Park, has skyrocketed to over 700 runners. The 8 km course offers stunning views and a whole lot of fun!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 15주 남았습니다
24h Solo
28 6월, 2025 (토)
트레일 러닝
24 hrs
Epic, Brutal, Relentless and a whole lot of fun! Endure24 is a trail running race against the clock to tackle as many laps of one of our iconic courses as you can in 24 hours. Enter as a solo runner or get a team together and see how far you can run in 24 hours.
Leeds was added to the Endure24 family in 2017 and it has grown every year since. The solo entry alone stands at 700+ runners. Our venue is Yorkshire’s stunning Bramham Park with lots of incredible scenery to cast your eyes on as you make your way around the 8km course.
Leeds was added to the Endure24 family in 2017 and it has grown every year since. The solo entry alone stands at 700+ runners. Our venue is Yorkshire’s stunning Bramham Park with lots of incredible scenery to cast your eyes on as you make your way around the 8km course.
다중 루프
기록 측정
24h team
28 6월, 2025 (토)
트레일 러닝
24 hrs
Epic, Brutal, Relentless and a whole lot of fun! Endure24 is a trail running race against the clock to tackle as many laps of one of our iconic courses as you can in 24 hours. Enter as a solo runner or get a team together and see how far you can run in 24 hours.
Leeds was added to the Endure24 family in 2017 and it has grown every year since. The solo entry alone stands at 700+ runners. Our venue is Yorkshire’s stunning Bramham Park with lots of incredible scenery to cast your eyes on as you make your way around the 8km course.
Leeds was added to the Endure24 family in 2017 and it has grown every year since. The solo entry alone stands at 700+ runners. Our venue is Yorkshire’s stunning Bramham Park with lots of incredible scenery to cast your eyes on as you make your way around the 8km course.
릴레이 (2-12)
다중 루프
기록 측정
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버전: 10.7.4