해당 이벤트는 정보가 부족하여 보관 상태로 전환되었습니다.
Ecomaratona del Collio Brda
에디션 기록
트레일 러닝
10 km, 22 km, 48 km
이벤트 정보
Runners will have the opportunity to explore the grand viticulture of Klet Brda, Slovenia's biggest winery, which is widely known for its production and exportation of Slovenian wines. The route will then take you to the Bosco di Plessiva, a natural park boasting military remains, oaks, tall stems, and chestnut trees. The next stop is the Ronco dei Tassi winery and the Sirk vinegar factory of the Subida. The Subida brand has gained fame in many Italian and foreign starred kitchens. As the journey progresses, runners will pass between wooden houses on the edge of a lush oak forest, and eventually reach the Russiz Inferiore winery, a historic winery with 45 hectares of vineyards in the Gorizia province. The route will also journey through the area of Prepotto, called the "land of the Schioppettino", and the vast Dolegna del Collio region famous for its production of the great white wines of Friuli.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Trail del Collio
07 10월, 2023 (토)
트레일 러닝
22 km
700 m 상승 고도
Minitrail del Collio
08 10월, 2023 (일)
트레일 러닝
10 km
120 m 상승 고도
Ecomaratona del Collio
08 10월, 2023 (일)
트레일 러닝
48 km
1499 m 상승 고도
코스 세부 정보
시작 지점
34071 Cormons, Province of Gorizia, Italy완료 지점
34071 Cormons, Province of Gorizia, Italy리뷰
리뷰 작성하기
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버전: 10.7.4