Eastern View HS Academic Booster 5K and Fun Run
1 mi, 5 km
이벤트 정보
All proceeds support EVHS academic student recognition, activities, and scholarship fund
DATE: April 25th– rain or shine TIME: 1-Mile Fun Run/ Walk begins at 10 a.m. 5K Start at 10:30am
LOCATION: Eastern View High School stadium, Culpeper, VA. Will follow modified cross-country team course
REGISTRATION form at https://evhs.culpeperschools.org/parents___students/academic_booster_club
5K FEES: $25 fee by by 4/12 includes a t-shirt; $30 fee on race day with t-shirts available for purchase
CONTACT: Please email [email protected] with any question
SAFETY PROTOCOL: Race heats will be staggered and spread out to allow for social distancing.
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버전: 10.9.5