Eastern Dutchess Road Runners Club- Millbrook Marathon
에디션 기록
Millbrook, NY, 미국
13 4월, 2025 (일)
26.2 mi
이벤트 정보
Eastern Dutchess Road Runners Club
5th Annual
Millbrook Marathon
Sunday, April 13, 2025
Race Starts at 7:30 am Sharp (Rain or Shine) 6 hour time limit Race Description Join us on April 13th 2025 for something special, the fifth annual Millbrook Marathon presented by the Eastern Dutchess Road Runners Club. Come enjoy 26.2 miles on the beautiful roads of Millbrook and the surrounding area. This might not be the flattest marathon you’ve ever run, but with the quiet country roads, rolling hills and the countless farms it sure will be the most scenic one! Take the first step and be a part of this exciting marathon by signing up, and when you take that last step across the line it will feel so rewarding. Course Description The course consists of rolling hills on mostly paved roads with some packed dirt roads mixed in. The course has about 2,000ft of elevation gain. See below for interactive map. The course is USATF certified and is a Boston Qualifying course. *If any changes to water station locations or adjustments to course, updates will be posted closer to race day* Interactive Course Map Race Cap 200 Participants Discounted Prices For Club Members
Become a Member At EDRRC.ORG Race day packet pick-up opens at 6:30 am Awards and Giveaways Race overall Male & Female 1st Place Male & Female in each age group
Finisher medals guaranteed to the first 200 Sign Ups Race Tee-Shirt guaranteed for those signed up before (3/25/2025) Place Town of Washington Park and Pool 3744 Route 44 Millbrook, NY 12545
Race Starts at 7:30 am Sharp (Rain or Shine) 6 hour time limit Race Description Join us on April 13th 2025 for something special, the fifth annual Millbrook Marathon presented by the Eastern Dutchess Road Runners Club. Come enjoy 26.2 miles on the beautiful roads of Millbrook and the surrounding area. This might not be the flattest marathon you’ve ever run, but with the quiet country roads, rolling hills and the countless farms it sure will be the most scenic one! Take the first step and be a part of this exciting marathon by signing up, and when you take that last step across the line it will feel so rewarding. Course Description The course consists of rolling hills on mostly paved roads with some packed dirt roads mixed in. The course has about 2,000ft of elevation gain. See below for interactive map. The course is USATF certified and is a Boston Qualifying course. *If any changes to water station locations or adjustments to course, updates will be posted closer to race day* Interactive Course Map Race Cap 200 Participants Discounted Prices For Club Members
Become a Member At EDRRC.ORG Race day packet pick-up opens at 6:30 am Awards and Giveaways Race overall Male & Female 1st Place Male & Female in each age group
Finisher medals guaranteed to the first 200 Sign Ups Race Tee-Shirt guaranteed for those signed up before (3/25/2025) Place Town of Washington Park and Pool 3744 Route 44 Millbrook, NY 12545
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버전: 10.9.0