Dorney Triathlon - August
에디션 기록
Dorney, Buckinghamshire, 영국
11 8월, 2024 (일)
1500 m
40 km
10 km
750 m
20 km
5 km
이벤트 정보
Take on a Sprint or Standard distance and take the opportunity to race around this unique and inspiring Olympic venue!! This event is non-draft legal.
The flat and scenic grounds lend themselves to a totally flat bike and run course, the ideal venue for a chip timed personal best. We will have plenty of helpers to keep you on track and to encourage you all the way to the finish.
The flat and scenic grounds lend themselves to a totally flat bike and run course, the ideal venue for a chip timed personal best. We will have plenty of helpers to keep you on track and to encourage you all the way to the finish.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Sprint Triathlon
11 8월, 2024 (일)
750 m
20 km
5 km
750 m호수기록 측정사이클링
20 km도로기록 측정러닝
5 km도로기록 측정
Standard Triathlon
11 8월, 2024 (일)
1500 m
40 km
10 km
1500 m호수기록 측정사이클링
40 km도로기록 측정러닝
10 km도로기록 측정
리뷰 작성하기
공식 링크
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버전: 10.7.4