Detroit Free Press Marathon
1 mi, 5 km, 21.1 km, 42.195 km
이벤트 정보
Experience the thrill of the Detroit Marathon, famously known as the Free Press Marathon, a rare international race right here in the US. Begin your journey in downtown Detroit and race across international lines into Motor City Ontario. This unique course takes you along the scenic riverbanks of the Detroit River, offering views unlike any other. Feel the adrenaline rush as you navigate the twists and turns of the course, including a mile-long stretch through the underground Detroit-Windsor tunnel. With its mostly flat and fast terrain, this event is ideal for athletes of all levels aiming to set a personal record. As you cross over into Ontario, you'll pass historical sites like the University of Windsor campus before heading back to the vibrant city of Detroit. Enjoy the electric atmosphere filled with enthusiastic spectators, live music, and fellow walkers and wheelchair participants all striving toward the finish line. Embrace the challenge of this unpredictable race, as the cool weather conditions can vary from mild to snowy, making it a truly exhilarating experience for any dedicated athlete.
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