이벤트 정보
This is the 2nd annual ride for Cycle for Charlotte to raise money and awareness in the battle against osteosarcoma. Please join me on Sunday, September 1st at 8 am for a beautiful ride from Hillsborough down to Woodside/Portola Valley and back (Multiple distances available). More details to come.
My goal is to raise $20,000 this year (after last year's amazing success!). Please join the ride by clicking "Reserve a spot". There is no cost or minimum to ride, I just ask if you can please donate and share this link with your friends and family to support our goal.
Donations from this ride will support Charlotte's Family Fund at MIB Agents, a leading osteosarcoma nonprofit dedicated to Making It Better for families, doctors, and researchers. Through Charlotte's Family Fund, we have raised over $200,000 for researchers at UCSF Benioff and Case Western University. Charlotte served on the Junior Board of MIB Agents before she passed away and her twin brother, Matthew, serves now in her place. I serve on the Board of Directors for MIB Agents, as well.
This is a great way to kick off Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, so I really appreciate your support!
Thank you so much,
Sherrick Murdoff (Charlotte's Dad)
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Metric Century (65 miles)
65 mi
40 miles
40 mi
30 miles
30 mi
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
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버전: 10.7.4