이벤트 정보
Event details and scheduleEvent: Zapata Ryderz 4th Annual Cycle De Mayo When: May 5, 2024 Place: Zapata County Pavilion 23rd Avenue, Glenn St. Zapata, TX 78076 Time: Bike Race 7:30 a.m. (Wave Starts) / 5k Run & Walk 7:45 a.m. Entry Fee: 5k Run & Walk Preregistration & Same Day Registration $25.00 Bike Race $40.00 Kids Run (10 and Under only) Preregistration and Same Day Registration $10.00 Shirts - To guarantee you a shirt and shirt size. Register by April 22nd. Shirt and shirt size not guaranteed after April 22nd. Awards: (5K Run only) Medals to the top 3 male and female winners in each age category. Plus Trophies to both overall male and female winners Age Categories: Male and Female (5k Run Only) 10 and Under 11-14
60 and Over Cycling Event: Divisions (Male & Female) Distance 28.7 Miles Div. 1 Advance Div. 2 Intermediate Div. 3 Beginners Cycling Awards: Top 5 in each division (M&F) take home the hardware. Plus Overall male and female winners get trophies. Packet pick up: Saturday 5/4/2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Location pending) For more information or questions email Race Director(s) at [email protected]
60 and Over Cycling Event: Divisions (Male & Female) Distance 28.7 Miles Div. 1 Advance Div. 2 Intermediate Div. 3 Beginners Cycling Awards: Top 5 in each division (M&F) take home the hardware. Plus Overall male and female winners get trophies. Packet pick up: Saturday 5/4/2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Location pending) For more information or questions email Race Director(s) at [email protected]
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버전: 10.8.3