ConcreteMan & ConcreteKids Triathlon
Fair Grove, MO, 미국
14-15 6월, 2024 (금 - 토)
1.9 mi
56 km
13.1 km
1500 m
24 mi
10 km
500 m
13 km
5 km
100 m
4 mi
1 mi
50 m
2 mi
0.5 mi
이벤트 정보
36th Annual
The ConcreteMan Triathlon is the oldest Triathlon in Missouri. Started in 1982, the ConcreteMan became a staple multisport event in Missouri for years. The event when through many iterations over the years and included the sprint distance, olympic(ish), and at one point an open water swim. In 2023 we are excited to have revived the Historic ConcreteMan (in 2021) in aid of our mission to revitalize Multisport in the area. Join us for the 35th annual ConcreteMan Triathlon.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
100 m호수사이클링
4 mi도로러닝
1 mi도로
리뷰 작성하기
공식 링크
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버전: 10.9.0