Colorado River Run (Run to the River) Trail Marathon and Half Marathon
에디션 기록
Leander, TX, 미국
28-29 11월, 2025 (금 - 토)
5 km, 13.1 mi, 50 mi, 100 mi
트레일 러닝
26.2 mi
이벤트 정보
The Colorado River Run offers a range of trail races, inviting runners and nature enthusiasts to experience the scenic beauty along the Colorado River at Arkansas Bend Park. Participants can enjoy a challenging yet picturesque journey through diverse landscapes such as riverbanks, rugged trails, and serene habitats. The event emphasizes community spirit, eco-friendly practices, generous support with aid stations, and activities for all ages, including a complimentary 5K for families. All finishers receive custom medals, fostering camaraderie among all skill levels. Volunteers gain benefits like a race shirt, meals, community service hours, and future race credits.
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버전: 10.9.4