CNO Financial Indianapolis Monumental Marathon
에디션 기록
Indianapolis, IN, 미국
08 11월, 2025 (토)
5 km, 21.1 km, 42.195 km
이벤트 정보
Join one of the top 20 largest marathons in the US, the CNO Financial Indianapolis Monumental Marathon, specifically designed for athletes ranging from first-time marathon runners to seasoned elites. The race begins and ends at the Indiana State Capitol, taking you on a journey through landmarks and historical neighborhoods of Indianapolis. Known for its flat and fast course, this marathon has attracted Olympians and numerous Boston Marathon qualifiers, making it a prime event for setting personal records.This marathon is among the fastest-growing in the nation and ranks 8th for producing Boston Marathon qualifiers among North American marathons, with an impressive 18% qualification rate. With six consecutive sell-out years and record participation numbers, it’s recognized by Runner's World as one of the "Best Marathons for First Timers." Plus, your participation supports local public education.
Race weekend features more than just the marathon, with a half marathon, 5K, and kids fun run. The Monumental Health and Fitness Expo at the Indiana Convention Center launches the festivities with two days of inspiring speakers, vendors, and chances to fuel your monumental spirit. Beyond Monumental, the nonprofit behind this event, contributes significantly to public education, with over $1,000,000 donated to promote exercise, healthy diets, and the benefits of active living among Indianapolis youth.
Race weekend features more than just the marathon, with a half marathon, 5K, and kids fun run. The Monumental Health and Fitness Expo at the Indiana Convention Center launches the festivities with two days of inspiring speakers, vendors, and chances to fuel your monumental spirit. Beyond Monumental, the nonprofit behind this event, contributes significantly to public education, with over $1,000,000 donated to promote exercise, healthy diets, and the benefits of active living among Indianapolis youth.
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버전: 10.8.3