이벤트 정보
Immerse yourself in the festive spirit at Chi Sigma's vibrant event in Historic Islamorada. Indulge in a joyful atmosphere as you explore the charming locale through bike rides, leisurely walks, or nostalgic hayrides, all while donning holiday attire. Discover unique local businesses offering delightful stocking stuffers along your journey. The adventure kicks off at the Islamorada Brewery & Distillery, winds past The Nest, and culminates at the Florida Keys Brewery, with numerous exciting stops en route. Your registration ensures a delightful experience with beer tasters, stocking stuffers, and appetizers included. Embrace community spirit and enjoy a day brimming with holiday cheer. For further information, feel free to reach out to Trish Biondoletti at 305-393-1099.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Chi Sigma's Holiday Bike*Walk*Hayride
07 12월, 2024 (토) - 17:30
1 mi
리뷰 작성하기
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버전: 10.7.4