Chepstow Castle 365
6 mi
이벤트 정보
The Castle 365 Run is a tough mix of trail and road run with the most spectacular views of the wye valley
Starting in the fantastic grounds of Chepstow Castle the run starts with a tough uphill path section before heading onto the Wye Valley passing through The Giants Cave then winding up onto the start of The 365 STEPS to The Eagles Nest viewpoint where you can see across the whole of the Wye Valley and see The Castle where you will finish. The run will then be downhill along The Racecourse before a final hill to descend back to the Castle. You will receive an Amazing Castle 365 Medal for your efforts.
Event details and schedule
The 365 Run will Start at 9am
Registration will be open at 8am
The run is a mix of off road trail & road
There are parking charges in the castle grounds
There will be an aid station at approx 3miles into the run at the road crossing
All finishers will receive a Bespoke Castle 365 Medal
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
6 Miles
6 mi
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
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버전: 10.7.4