Charlottesville Ten Miler
에디션 기록
Charlottesville, VA, 미국
22 3월, 2025 (토)
10 mi
이벤트 정보
The Charlottesville Ten Miler is Central Virginia's premiere event for runners, showcasing a scenic and challenging course through this historic city. With a rich tradition and history, this long-established race invites runners of all levels to enjoy the scenic routes of Charlottesville, including the University of Virginia grounds, Rugby Road, and the Downtown Mall. Celebrated for being the "most scenic urban course" in the state, participants can weave through charming neighborhoods and bustling streets. Organized by the Charlottesville Track Club, this race has been a significant part of the community since 1976.
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Charlottesville 10 Miler
22 3월, 2025 (토) - 07:15
10 mi
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버전: 10.7.4