Celtman Xtri
에디션 기록
Shieldaig, 영국
15 6월, 2024 (토)
이벤트 크기: 100 - 999 참가자 (최대 200명까지 등록 가능)
3.4 km
200 km
42.195 km
시리즈의 일부: Xtri World Tour
이벤트 정보
The ninth edition of the CELTMAN! Extreme Scottish Triathlon, part of the XTRI World Tour, in Wester Ross, Scotland.
Centred around the stunning Torridon mountains we will take you on an adventure unlike any other.
Make no mistake - when we say this race is extreme we mean it. Read the race information carefully before entering as you may have to endure cold water, strong winds, driving rain and difficult conditions on the mountain with low visibility.
Centred around the stunning Torridon mountains we will take you on an adventure unlike any other.
Make no mistake - when we say this race is extreme we mean it. Read the race information carefully before entering as you may have to endure cold water, strong winds, driving rain and difficult conditions on the mountain with low visibility.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
15 6월, 2024 (토) - 05:00
3.4 km
200 km
42.195 km
3.4 kmSince 2012 the water in Loch Shieldaig has been below the seasonal average. This appears to be an ongoing trend.
The extreme nature of the temperatures led us to shorten the swim course from 3.8K to 3.4K. Even with this shortened distance the athletes suffered badly from the cold.
In 2013 a severe storm added to the drama with strong Southerlys pushing the competitors off course.
We strongly advise cold water training for this race and to wear a heatseeker vest under your wetsuit.호수기록 측정사이클링
200 km2200 m 상승 고도The stunning CELTMAN! 200K bike route takes you along some historic single lane roads and wide open highland A roads.
Although we do not have any mountain passes to boast of the route includes 2000 metres of climbing and being coastal is affected greatly by our varied weather.
It is common to find a strong headwind on the last third of the course, just when you thought you could relax!도로언덕단일 루프기록 측정트레일 러닝
42.195 km1582 m 상승 고도The CELTMAN! run is unsurpassed for it's challenging nature and beauty.
In Scotland any mountain over 3000 ft (914.4 metres) is classed as a Munro. You will attempt two of these during the race on the Beinn Eighe range.
Spidean Coire nan Clach ('Peak of the Corrie of Stones' in Scottish Gaelic), is the highest point on the main ridge itself. It stands at a height of 993m. You do not go to the absolute summit of this peak due to the technicality of the climb but you go as far as the trig point.
Ruadh-stac Mòr ('Big Red Stack' in Scottish Gaelic) is on one of the spurs off the main ridge of Beinn Eighe and stands at a height of 1,010m.
Weather permitting (it's often cloudy) you will have the most incredible vistas.트레일익스트림포인트 투 포인트기록 측정
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버전: 10.7.4