이벤트 정보
Get your GREEN on for this fun 5K run/walk through the Historic Downtown Business District of Council Bluffs, IA. Start and finish at the restaurants and bars of the 100 Block. Run by beautiful Bayliss Park, down Main Street and circle by the RailsWest Museum. This 2nd annual event is open to all ages.
Bluffs Downtown and the City of Council Bluffs Parks and Recreation Department are presenting this event. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to TeamMates mentoring program.
Adults $25 16 & under $15 Teams of 6 $125
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
5 km
09 3월, 2024 (토) - 09:00
5 km
- For all event information: CBShamrockShuffle.com
- Packet pickup Friday, March 13, 5-8 Barleys Bar, 114 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA
- Packet pickup Sat, Mar 14 starts at 7:30 on the east end of the 100 Block
- This is a fun 5K run/walk. Participants are encouraged to have fun and dress in the spirit of St. Patrick's Day!
- Medals will be given to top 3 Men, Women and kids!
- Groups of 6 or more save $25! (use multi-person pricing on bottom of register page)
- First 200 registered receive goodie bag!
- Packet pickup Friday, March 13, 5-8 Barleys Bar, 114 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA
- Packet pickup Sat, Mar 14 starts at 7:30 on the east end of the 100 Block
- This is a fun 5K run/walk. Participants are encouraged to have fun and dress in the spirit of St. Patrick's Day!
- Medals will be given to top 3 Men, Women and kids!
- Groups of 6 or more save $25! (use multi-person pricing on bottom of register page)
- First 200 registered receive goodie bag!
기록 측정
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버전: 10.7.4