Carmel Marathon Weekend Preview Run - hosted by Carmel Runners Club
에디션 기록
Carmel, IN, 미국
29 3월, 2025 (토)
3 mi, 11 mi, 20 mi
이벤트 정보
Join the Carmel Runners Club for a preview run of the Carmel Marathon Weekend races at Union Brewing Co. This event is free for club members and $15 for nonmembers. This un-timed fun run offers courses reflecting the marathon, half-marathon, and shorter options, ensuring something for everyone. Participants can enjoy the run followed by a post-run social event where food and beverages are provided. The event is on an open course, demanding caution and adherence to sidewalks or the Monon Trail. This is a must-attend for enthusiasts seeking a community-focused event as they prepare for the marathon.
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