Calspan Runway 5K
5 km
이벤트 정보
Buckle up and get ready for an exciting adrenaline-pumping 5K at the Niagara Falls Intl. Airport runway, Sat. August 24 @ 9:00AM. Lace-up your shoes, hit the tarmac, and reach unbelievable speeds on this flat and fast course. Imagine like you are flying. 5 year age groups winners will receive custom awards.
Thanks to IMPERIAL PIZZA and Resurgence ready to feed the hungry and thirsty runners.
T-shirts, hats, beverage, pizza, and a post race party all on Niagara Falls Airport Runway.This is a unique chance to run ON THE TARMACK without airplane traffic, and no baggage fees...just fun, run, and food and drinks.
Runners, Joggers, and Walkers are Welcome!
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버전: 10.9.4