La Crema Cal Tri Sonoma
Johnson's Beach, CA, 미국
22 6월, 2025 (일)
400 yd, 1640 yd
5 km, 10 km
400 yd
13.8 mi
1640 yd
23.3 mi
400 yd
13.8 mi
3.1 mi
시리즈의 일부: Cal Tri
이벤트 정보
2025 La Crema Cal Tri Sonoma - 6.22.25. Located in Sonoma County, the La Crema Cal Tri Sonoma triathlon starts at iconic Johnson's Beach with a Russian River swim, a scenic bike ride along River Road towards the ultimate destination, La Crema Estate at Saralee’s Vineyard, where athletes run through the vineyards chasing that elusive finish line. Athletes 21+ are encouraged to enjoy a wine pour after the race.
12 EVENT OPTIONS. 4 Olympic distance events (Triathlon, Triathlon Relay, SwimBike & 1640 Yard Swim), 4 Sprint distance events (Triathlon, Triathlon Relay, SwimBike & 400 yard swim) and 4 Youth Sprint distance events (Triathlon, Triathlon Relay, SwimBike & 400 yard swim). Triathlon = swim + bike + run. Triathlon Relay is 2 or 3 athletes combined to complete the triathlon. Typically, the swim and run distances are standard but the bike distance varies from race to race. Check out the course maps for more detailed information.
12 EVENT OPTIONS. 4 Olympic distance events (Triathlon, Triathlon Relay, SwimBike & 1640 Yard Swim), 4 Sprint distance events (Triathlon, Triathlon Relay, SwimBike & 400 yard swim) and 4 Youth Sprint distance events (Triathlon, Triathlon Relay, SwimBike & 400 yard swim). Triathlon = swim + bike + run. Triathlon Relay is 2 or 3 athletes combined to complete the triathlon. Typically, the swim and run distances are standard but the bike distance varies from race to race. Check out the course maps for more detailed information.
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준비할 시간이 약 12주 남았습니다
400 yd호수사이클링
13.8 mi도로러닝
3.1 mi도로
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버전: 10.9.7