Cabinet Divide Loop

Libby, MT, 미국
31 12월, 2024 (화)


24 mi, 28 mi

이벤트 정보

How To

Wild Idaho Endurance Challenge events are self/unsupported wilderness fun runs. No course markings, no aid stations, no set date or time. You can complete them by yourself at any time or with a friend or two. Routes must be completed on foot and in one push. The nice part is that there are no cutoffs, so if you find a lake where you want to take a dip or a special viewpoint that you want to sit and enjoy, there is no pressure! Please take photos and visit the Facebook or Instagram pages afterwards and share with us how it went with a short trip report! You can either self report your time on the honor system, or you can submit your Strava/Gaia/Garmin/Suunto etc track. Please visit the website for GPS/GPX tracks of your route.

But Why?

To get people out into the wonderful wilderness areas that we have here! Information isn't always readily available for these areas and maps can be scarce and not always reliable. That can intimidate some that aren't as experienced outdoors-people. The goal is to empower people to get out into these wilderness areas, to raise awareness of them, and hopefully to protect them into the future.

All profits from registration fees will be donated to wilderness conservation groups like the Idaho Trails Association and the Wallowa Mountains-Hells Canyon Trails Association.

Route Description

The trailheads at the NE and SE corners of this route (you can start at either) are off of dirt roads suitable for passenger cars.

Flower Creek Trail #137, Hanging Valley Trail #135, off trail, Sky Lakes Trail, Flower Creek Trail, Dome Mountain Trail #360N, North Fork Parmenter Trail #139, Parmenter Creek Trail #140, Parmenter Tie Trail #15

이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스

준비할 시간이 약 4주 남았습니다

28 Miler

31 12월, 2024 (화) - 07:00
28 mi
8 ft 상승 고도
8 ft 하락 고도
다중 루프

24 Miler

31 12월, 2024 (화) - 07:30
24 mi
6200 ft 상승 고도
6279 ft 하락 고도
다중 루프


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