Butte 100 MTB Race
Butte, MT, 미국
19 7월, 2025 (토)
산악 자전거
26.64 mi, 50.33 mi, 99.8 mi
이벤트 정보
Welcome to the Butte 100, renowned as the most challenging mountain bike race in the country. Set atop the Continental Divide near Butte, Montana, this event, once modest, now attracts world-class athletes from around the globe. With invaluable support from local authorities, generous sponsors, an enthusiastic volunteer team, and the welcoming Butte community, the Butte 100 provides an unparalleled mountain biking experience. This prestigious event has evolved from a local endeavor into a celebrated competition on trails that test the limits of endurance and skill. Thank you for being part of this exhilarating adventure.
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버전: 10.9.6