Brama Stage Run
5 (1)
에디션 기록
트레일 러닝
60 km, 78 km, 100 km
이벤트 정보
The Brama Stage Run wants to be a “little” Pyrenees Stage Run: fewer days (3 days from Friday to Sunday), different distances, but the same objective: to live an experience that goes beyond running in the mountains and that allows us to meet other people and spend unforgettable days with Ribes de Freser as the center of the adventure.
BRAMA is thought as a complete experience. It’s not only to run the stage but also all those moments before and after, sharing moments with the rest of runners and staff, and enjoying the privileged environment that the Eastern Pyrenees offers. This allows to create a large family and live the race more intensely. One of these moments is the dinner along with the rest of runners and staff of the race, during which we do the briefing of the next stage, the podiums of the finished stage and the projection of the photos and the video summary of the day.
BRAMA is thought as a complete experience. It’s not only to run the stage but also all those moments before and after, sharing moments with the rest of runners and staff, and enjoying the privileged environment that the Eastern Pyrenees offers. This allows to create a large family and live the race more intensely. One of these moments is the dinner along with the rest of runners and staff of the race, during which we do the briefing of the next stage, the podiums of the finished stage and the projection of the photos and the video summary of the day.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 30주 남았습니다
17 10월, 2025 (금) - 09:00
트레일 러닝
100 km
3 스테이지
17 10월, 2025 (금) - 10:00
트레일 러닝
78 km
3 스테이지
17 10월, 2025 (금) - 11:30
트레일 러닝
60 km
3 스테이지
51 리뷰
리뷰 작성하기
공식 링크
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버전: 10.7.4