이벤트 정보
Get your fundraising teams together and join us on Sunday April 2nd, for the “Boulder Voices For Children” Superhero 5K and Kids 1K Fun Run at Twisted Pine Brewing Company - 3201 Walnut St Suite A, Boulder, CO 80301.
The first week of April is “Week of the Young Child” which goes from April 1st to 7th. The purpose of the “Week of the Young Child”, is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families, and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. April is also "National Child Abuse Prevention Month" and a time to highlight the importance of individuals and communities working together to keep kids safe and families healthy.
This event will be raising much needed funds and awareness for Boulder Voices For Children. Their mission is to provide trained court appointed special advocates (CASA’s), to advocate for children in Boulder County who have experienced abuse and neglect.
In 2022, there were more than 3,000 children in Boulder County who were assessed for their safety and well-being, and more than 200 were removed from their home and placed in foster care. As the children grow, they are faced with a difficult path, complicated by the physical, psychological and emotional trauma they have experienced.
Many of these children have several different foster placements, social workers, attorneys, and therapists, and will move schools frequently. CASA volunteers get to know the child(ren) while also gathering information from the child’s family, teachers, doctors, therapists, caregivers and anyone else involved in the child’s life, in order to make independent and informed recommendations to help the judge decide what’s best for the child. They are a consistent adult presence for a child, or family of children, throughout their entire child welfare case.
So come dressed as your favorite Superhero, and join us for a morning of fun, running and raising funds for a great cause!
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버전: 10.9.1