이벤트 정보
Born to Run 5K & 1/2 Mile Run - Baton Rouge 2024
Join us in person at Born to Run - Baton Rouge!
The 2024 Born to Run - Baton Rouge 5K & Fun Run is a great opportunity for runners, walkers, and strollers alike to get involved with Woman’s New Life Clinic (WNLC).
WNLC is a life-affirming counseling and medical clinic that serves women facing unplanned pregnancies in the Greater Baton Rouge and New Orleans areas.
YOU can help WNLC continue to support women in need by participating in Born to Run.
Race Schedule
7:30 am — Runner sign-in, on-site registration
8:30 am — 1/2-mile Fun Run/Walk begins
9:00 am — 5K begins
Post-race “Birth”day Party to follow
Event includes t-shirt*, race prizes, and post-race party featuring free food, music, and fun for the whole family.
*Race t-shirts are only guaranteed for participants who register by Monday, October 14.
Join us in person at Born to Run - Baton Rouge!
The 2024 Born to Run - Baton Rouge 5K & Fun Run is a great opportunity for runners, walkers, and strollers alike to get involved with Woman’s New Life Clinic (WNLC).
WNLC is a life-affirming counseling and medical clinic that serves women facing unplanned pregnancies in the Greater Baton Rouge and New Orleans areas.
YOU can help WNLC continue to support women in need by participating in Born to Run.
Race Schedule
7:30 am — Runner sign-in, on-site registration
8:30 am — 1/2-mile Fun Run/Walk begins
9:00 am — 5K begins
Post-race “Birth”day Party to follow
Event includes t-shirt*, race prizes, and post-race party featuring free food, music, and fun for the whole family.
*Race t-shirts are only guaranteed for participants who register by Monday, October 14.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
0.5 Mile Fun Run
16 11월, 2024 (토) - 08:30
0.5 mi
5K Run
16 11월, 2024 (토) - 09:00
5 km
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버전: 10.7.4