이벤트 정보
The Blast of Color/Bubble 5k Family Fun Run/Walk is a family-friendly run and part of the "Blast From the Past" festivities in Downtown Historic Sedro-Woolley, WA. Strollers and dogs are welcome. Dogs must be friendly to strangers/crowds and others and dogs must be leashed at all times, with no exceptions.
Registration Opens: at 10:00 am
Race Starts: 11 am
Course Closed: 12:00 pm
The course is flat out and back on paved roads/trails with multiple color stations along the way out and those same stations on the way back. There will also be an aid station at the turnaround with a special treat and water awaiting you. Volunteers will be located throughout the course to guide you, cross any major intersection, throw color at you, and man the aid station, so be sure to High Five them and tell them “Thanks”. Events like this would not exist without our volunteers.
The start will begin and end on Eastern Ave across Metcalf from the Sedro 10 Bowling Alley.
The start will be a corral/wave start, corrals/waves will be assigned at packet pickup.
The early registration discount ends 5/20/24 Get a swag bag with a shirt, color, etc.
Price increases to
Youth $20, Adult $25 5/20/23
Youth $25, Adult $30 6/8/23
**ALL MINORS under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a registered adult.
All participants who register and/or order shirts before May 20th will be guaranteed a shirt, there will be shirts available “Day Of” but in a limited supply.
Day of Registration - Youth $25, Adult $30 – Swag bag and shirt if available.
"Extras" will be for sale the day of until supplies run out
No Refunds or Transfers.
No early packet pickup is available.
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© Ahotu는 World's Sports Group 소유의 서비스 및 브랜드입니다. 저작권을 포함한 모든 권리가 보호됩니다.
버전: 10.9.3