Black History Month 5K & 1 Mile Fun Walk
1 mi
5 km
이벤트 정보
February marks a special month for Black communities around the world - it is Black History Month! As part of acknowledging and celebrating black history, Danville, Kentucky is hosting the 2nd Annual Black History Month 5K & 1 Mile Fun Walk, organized by the Weathers Family Foundation! What better way to commemorate significant contributions throughout American history, by Black Americans, than by joining together in support of the cultural celebration?
This race is open to ALL races, ethnicities, and age-groups. This will be a great opportunity for participants to set and reach their fitness goals – whether it's to run the entire distance or just get out there and enjoy the walk. Whether you choose to take the 5K challenge or opt for the 1 mile walk, taking part in this Black History Month celebration is sure to be an inspiring experience!
NEW FOR 2025 -- FINISHER'S MEDALS!Closed course on paved trails at scenic Millennium ParkCommemorative finishers medalCommemorative race T-shirts (while supplies last)5K run/walk or 1 Mile (untimed) fun walk optionsFree race photosOverall Awards (Top 3 M/F)Post race music, food/drink and fellowshipPACKET PICKUP --- Friday February 21st, 3-6pm Millennium Park, and race morning PPU from 9-10am at Millennium Park.
Proceeds from this event will go to the Agape House. The Agape House was founded in 2007 by Joseph Payne and Stephanie Caldwell. It is a non-profit organization that assist pregnant women and their families by offering prenatal and child development classes. Last year we donated $2,000 to The Agape House as proceeds from the race.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
5K Run/Walk
5 km
1 Mile Fun Walk
1 mi
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
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버전: 10.7.4