Billy Mills Run/Walk For Life

Seattle, WA, 미국
25 8월, 2024 (일)


5.8 km

이벤트 정보

Join us for a fun Run/Walk for Life annual Suicide awareness and wellness community wide event. Meet Olympic Gold Medalist Billy Mills (Oglala). Prizes for all age groups, Photos, Autographs and T-shirts. Family friendly event. Special guest Rosalie Fish will make an appearance in support of our youth and community. Booths, snacks, T-shirts, limited edition posters and giveaway items. Drum group 'Southern Express' will kick off the event with a Blessing song and drumming/singing throughout the event.  

This is a SUICIDE AWARENESS EVENT. We hope to raise awareness about suicide warning signs, prevention and resources for support. Any donations go towards Native Warrior Athletics Program. UNEA is a volunteer based, grassroot, community oriented and youth centered non profit organization. WWW.URBANNATIVEEDUCATION.ORG

이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스

5.8k Adult Run/Walk

25 8월, 2024 (일) - 13:00
5.8 km


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버전: 9.26.3