Bethany of Western PA - Go Further For Family Walk/Run
3.1 mi
1 mi
이벤트 정보
Walk or Run and Go Further for Family!
Join us Saturday, May 18 at 8 am for our Go Further for Family event at North Park Boathouse. Register your family, bring your pet, walk, or run to Go Further for Families!
Our goal for this event is to raise significant funds for the vulnerable children and families we serve. Join us as we come together to go further for families in our local community. You can make a difference.
8 am Registration begins
8:45 am Gathering and prayer
9 am Race start
10 am to 12 pm Food, Games, Activities
Registration information:
- 5K Run (Timed): $40
- 5K Walk (Timed): $40
- 1 Mile Walk (Not Timed): $30
- Family Fun 5K Run (Family of 4) + $15 Each Additional Member (Timed): $130
- Family Fun 1 Mile Walk (Family of 4) + $15 Each Additional Member (Not Timed): $105
- Virtual Participant (Not Timed) - T-shirt Included: $30
- Bethany Staff Registration: $15 (email [email protected] for the staff discount code)
Registration includes T-shirt and swag bag distributed at the event and free admission to games, snacks, and activities. Race materials will only be available to pick up the morning of the race. Please arrive early to receive your materials and be at the race starting line by 8:45 am.
Registrations submitted before April 30th will include a T-shirt. Registrations after that date will include a T-shirt while supplies last.
Reduced rate available for Bethany Families and Clients. Please contact [email protected] for more info.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
5K Run/Walk (Timed)
3.1 mi
1 Mile Walk (Not Timed)
1 mi
Virtual Participant
이번주 베스트 딜
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버전: 10.7.4