이벤트 정보
Bishop Dunn Memorial School 6th Annual Cupcake 5k Run/ Walk
The Sweetest Race in the Hudson Valley !!
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Cupcake 5K Run/ Walk
Race starts at 9:30am. The race will be held on Mount Saint Mary College Campus, in Newburgh, NY. Come join us to run or walk on a beautiful scenic route that overlooks the Hudson Valley with river views. $25 for 5K pre-registrants. Pre-registration ends 9/12/2024. $30 same day registration. Cash or check made payable to Bishop Dunn Memorial School
This unique picturesque race route takes place on the Mount Saint Mary College Campus. The race route starts on a track around the baseball field and continues through the campus enjoying beautiful views of the Hudson River Valley. It loops around twice before coming to the finish line, behind the Bishop Dunn Memorial School. The red around indicate the part of the route that you will go around twice.
T-Shirts to the first 100 pre-registered 5K entrants. We will try our best to accommodate shirt sizes.
Early bib pick up Saturday Sept 14th 10:00am-12:00pm @ Bishop Dunn Memorial School on the Mount Saint Mary College Campus
Race Day bib pick up 7:00am - 9:00am.
Announcements and National Anthem @ 9:25am.
Awards at 10:45am
If this is your first race and you think you will be partially running and walking the 3.1 miles, its best to sign up as a runner for the event.
Mini Cupcake Race
1/4 mile FUN RUN for kids 10 and under. Race starts at 9 a.m. $10 for Mini Cupcake registrants. Pre-register ends 9/12/2024. Come support and cheer our younger runners! This 1/4 mile fun run takes place on the track around the baseball field. Please bring cash if registering the day of the event. Free event T-Shirts to the first 40 pre-registered fun run participants.
Refreshments from our local business and of course CUPCAKES, CUPCAKES, AND MORE CUPCAKES !
Join us while for a fun filled morning while supporting our goal to provide scholarships for BDMS students.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
5K Run
5 km
5K Walk
5 km
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
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버전: 10.7.4