Bath Marathon (50km, Marathon, Half, 10km, 5km & Colourburst Runs)
5 (1)
에디션 기록
5 km, 10 km, 21.097 km, 42.195 km, 50 km
이벤트 정보
UK's longest underground race in and around the World Heritage city of Bath with over 4km of underground running through newly restored railway tunnels.
The route is packed with history and wonderful city centre sights as we take you right up Bath landmarks such as Pulteney Bridge and Bath Abbey as well as beautiful verdant valleys.
There are 9 Feed Stations out on the course with a whole host of delicious treats; jelly beans, flap jacks, jaffa cakes, crisps and cakes so you can enjoy the running without the need to carry a kit bag.
There are LIVE results and custom medals for all finishers.
The route is packed with history and wonderful city centre sights as we take you right up Bath landmarks such as Pulteney Bridge and Bath Abbey as well as beautiful verdant valleys.
There are 9 Feed Stations out on the course with a whole host of delicious treats; jelly beans, flap jacks, jaffa cakes, crisps and cakes so you can enjoy the running without the need to carry a kit bag.
There are LIVE results and custom medals for all finishers.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 21주 남았습니다
어반 트레일
표시된 지도는 지난 이벤트의 데이터를 기반으로 한 것입니다. 다음 에디션의 실제 경로는 다를 수 있습니다.
51 리뷰
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버전: 10.9.5