Barley Naked Beer Mile
에디션 기록
Stafford, VA, 미국
15 10월, 2022 (토)
1 mi
이벤트 정보
Join us for the 2nd running of the Barley Naked Beer Mile. Presented by the Fredericksburg Area Running Club and hosted by Barley Naked in Stafford VA. The race supports Fairy Godmother Project.
$30 Early Bird Registration through August 1st
$35 Normal Registration August 2nd through October 1st
$40 Late Registration
The Beer Mile will be held on October 15th. The event will be run in waves. The first wave will start at 9:50am. We have added "competitive" waves this year for runners who want to go for top time. Just indicate during registration if you want to be in a competitive wave.
Each runner will drink 4 beers over the course of a 1 mile run. Runners must be 21 years of age and provide valid ID to participate. Please plan ahead and be safe after the run. We encourage all participants to stick around after the run for Oktoberfest at Barley Naked and enjoy food from several food trucks.
We have plenty of shirts for participants but shirt sizes are first come first serve. Packet pick-up will be held the day of the event.
Wave 1 - 9:50am Start - for casual male & female participants (not eligible for overall or over 40 awards)
Wave 2 - 10:20am Start - for casual male & female participants (not eligible for overall or over 40 awards)
Wave 3 - 10:50am Start - for ladies who want to compete for the overall or over 40 awards
Wave 4 - 11:15am Start - for men who want to compete for the overall or over 40 awards
Wave 2 - 10:20am Start - for casual male & female participants (not eligible for overall or over 40 awards)
Wave 3 - 10:50am Start - for ladies who want to compete for the overall or over 40 awards
Wave 4 - 11:15am Start - for men who want to compete for the overall or over 40 awards
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Beer Mile
15 10월, 2022 (토) - 10:00
1 mi
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버전: 10.7.4