이벤트 정보
The Avondale Feet in the Street 5K Run and Walk is an exciting event in Avondale (Cincinnati), OH. The 5K race starts at Fleischman Garden Park and ends at the same location. Participants can compete in different divisions based on age and gender, with special awards for the top finishers. After the race, there will be food, refreshments, health screens, and live entertainment available. The event will be accurately timed using MyLaps Bib Tag technology. Pre-registration fee for the timed 5K is $25, with discounts for kids and seniors. Group rates are available for teams of 10 or more. Virtual options/donations are also accepted for those unable to attend in person. Parking is conveniently located at the Avondale Town Center and South Avondale School parking lots. Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and camaraderie in Avondale!
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버전: 10.9.5