Autumn on Parade 5K
1 mi, 5 km
이벤트 정보
Oregon, IL – Get ready for the AOP 5K! Grab your family, friends co-workers and kids to join us for the 17th annual Autumn on Parade 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run on Sunday, October 2, 2022. One-mile runners will begin the day at 8 am followed by the 5K participants at approximately 8:30 am. After the race, stay for a day of Autumn on Parade festivities as AOP celebrates it's 51st year! There will be market and food vendors, kid activities, live music and the ever popular parade held Sunday afternoon.
Race Includes:
· Long-sleeve moisture-wicking t-shirt.
· Chip-timed event provided by J3 Timing.
· Awards given to overall male, female and corporate challenge winners.
· Water station.
· Traffic control/convenient parking.
· Post race refreshments.
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이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
1 Mile Fun Run
1 mi
5 km
여러분의 소중한 첫 리뷰를 남겨주세요!
이번주 베스트 딜
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버전: 10.7.4