ATW Welwyn Half Marathon
에디션 기록
Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, 영국
28 9월, 2025 (일)
이벤트 정보
Experience the excitement of the Welwyn Half Marathon and 10k, both commencing and concluding on the stunning 400m athletics track at Gosling Sports Park. As participants, you'll venture out of the stadium, navigating the scenic, leafy outskirts of Welwyn. Half Marathon runners will enjoy the serene Cole-Green Way, a former railway line now serving as a perfect, traffic-free running path. After a brief loop, you'll rejoin the Cole Green Way before retracing your steps to finish triumphantly back on the track at Gosling Sports Park.Join the newly introduced 10k, starting alongside the Half Marathon. The two events share an initial 5km path before the 10k participants make their way back. Held during the picturesque Autumn season, this race offers an ideal setting for running enthusiasts, with a 3-hour cut-off time. After this, course marshals and signage will be withdrawn.
Sanctioned by a UK Athletics race license, the event features chip timing provided by the professional team at Event Chip Timing. Beyond the run itself, participants are treated to warm-ups led by personal trainers and welcomed back by a professional commentator. Meanwhile, your supporters can enjoy refreshments from top-quality caterers as they cheer you on.
The race kicks off at 09:30am, with a complimentary 400m Children’s Fun Run taking place on the track 15 minutes prior to the main event. Parents are encouraged to join their children, making it a fun and enjoyable warm-up for the day's main races.
Sanctioned by a UK Athletics race license, the event features chip timing provided by the professional team at Event Chip Timing. Beyond the run itself, participants are treated to warm-ups led by personal trainers and welcomed back by a professional commentator. Meanwhile, your supporters can enjoy refreshments from top-quality caterers as they cheer you on.
The race kicks off at 09:30am, with a complimentary 400m Children’s Fun Run taking place on the track 15 minutes prior to the main event. Parents are encouraged to join their children, making it a fun and enjoyable warm-up for the day's main races.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 28주 남았습니다
Half Marathon
42 USD
28 9월, 2025 (일) - 09:30
21.1 km
32 USD
28 9월, 2025 (일) - 09:30
10 km
코스 세부 정보
시작 지점
BETTER Gosling Sports Park, Stanborough Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL8 6XE, UK완료 지점
BETTER Gosling Sports Park, Stanborough Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL8 6XE, UK참가 시 제공되는 항목
참가 시 기본으로 제공되는 항목입니다
완주자 메달
기록측정 칩(일회용)
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의료 지원
자주 묻는 질문
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지금 등록하세요ATW Welwyn Half Marathon
32 USD
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버전: 10.7.4