ATW St Albans Half Marathon
이벤트 정보
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준비할 시간이 약 12주 남았습니다
St Albans Half Marathon Walk
21.1 km
St Albans 5K
5 km
St Albans Half Marathon
21.097 km
St Albans Wheelchair Half Marathon
21.1 km
St Albans 10K
10 km
Fun Run
1.5 mi
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
The Half Marathon & Wheelchair Course The ATW St Albans Half Marathon will take you through the stunning country lanes of St Albans. Although you may come across a hill or two, the view from the top makes it worthwhile. Running entrants must be able to complete the course in 3hrs 15mins. Wheelchair entrants must be able to complete the course in 3hrs 30mins. The Walking Half Marathon Course The ATW St Albans Half Marathon will take you through the stunning country lanes of St Albans. Although you may come across a hill or two, the view from the top makes it worthwhile. Walking entrants must be able to complete the course in 5hrs. The 5K Course. The 10K Course (new for 2025!) This fantastic new closed road 10K course is perfect for all runners. Come and join in this new distance at the #icelollyrun. (the route map for this course, will be uploaded soon). This 5k is perfect for anyone! Whether you’re a budding athlete looking to beat your personal best or new to running and wanting to tackle a shorter distance. Participants must be able to complete the course in 55mins. The Fun Run Course The 1.5 Mile Fun Run is great for all the family!
시작 지점
Verulamium Park, St Albans, UK완료 지점
Verulamium Park, St Albans, UK코스 경로 지도
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버전: 10.7.4