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Atlanta Children's Shelter Virtual 5K
에디션 기록
09-11 9월, 2022 (금 - 일)
1 mi, 5 km
이벤트 정보
The Atlanta Children’s Shelter will host its annual 5K walk/run virtually, September 9 - 11, 2022. Supporters will raise money for ACS programs serving children and families facing homelessness in Metro Atlanta. All participants will receive a race t-shirt. Shirts will be mailed to the address provided when registering. Race shirts will be mailed before race weekend if registered by 8/21!
We will have 4 in-person sites where ACS will be stationed to provide refreshments, goodies, and encouragement to racers who choose to do their individual 5k walk/run at these select parks throughout the day. Come by these locations, meet our team, and enjoy the day with other 5k racers!
All in-person 5k stations will be active from 7am to 12pm Saturday (9/10): Westside Reservoir Park (1660 Johnson Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318) Saturday (9/10): Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (8800 Roberts Dr, Sandy Springs, GA 30350) Sunday (9/11): Historic Fourth Ward Park (680 Dallas St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30308) Sunday (9/11): Kennesaw Mountain (900 Kennesaw Mountain Drive, Kennesaw, GA 30152)
Thank you to our sponsors, KBP Foods and The Home Depot. Sponsorship opportunities are still available; please contact Aseelah Williams, Development Director, at [email protected], or by phone, (404) 937-5431.
The Atlanta Children's Shelter's mission is to break the cycle of poverty for families facing homelessness by building pathways to long-term self-sufficiency and providing quality early childhood education. Since 1986, the Atlanta Children's Shelter has cared for over 8,000 children and helped more than 5,000 families.
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버전: 10.9.3