Alpine Marina Triathlon/Duathlon
1.5 mi
10 mi
3 mi
400 m
10 mi
3 mi
이벤트 정보
We are extremely excited to host our one and only triathlon in the all beautiful Palisades Park in New Jersey! This is our second year running the race as well as our interest in expanding more races outside of NYC. With a gorgeous view of the Hudson River, also known as the River Road, and the undulating Henry Hudson Dr, it makes for a very challenging and rewarding course in swimming, running, and biking. As this is an open water event in the Hudson River, the swim can sometimes be challenging and the water temperature may not be as warm in June. Wet suits are allowed but not required. Volunteers from the Hudson Kayak Club will be on duty to ensure a safe and successful swim for all triathletes.
Here is what you can expect on race day: Race start is 8:00 AM sharp at the transition area by the Alpine Marina’s Pavilion comfort station, at the end of the boat dock. Duathletes will start near the parking lot not too far from the transition area and running up the first hill near the entrance.
At the end of the 400 meter swim, Triathletes will head back to the Transition coming off the beach run off. Duathletes will turn around at the .7 miles mark on the Henry Hudson Dr and make their way back to the Transition. Both Triathletes and Duathletes will begin the 10 mile bike portion of the race.
The bike segment is on the Henry Hudson Dr and with your first hill leaving the parking lot. 5 miles out and turning around by the Dyckman Hill Rd, and 5 miles back to the transition. The total elevation gain is over 300ft+. Although there are no long climbs but enough punchy and short hills to force you to pace yourself carefully.
The final segment of the race is a 3 mile run for both Triathletes and Duathletes. You will start from the Transition area and running on the Henry Hudson Dr. Turn around at the 1.5 miles mark and making your way back to the finish by the Transition area, running through the finish flags.
Registration spots are limited to 150 participants. We had over 120 participants last year. Please do register early in case we reach our registration cap much sooner!
Alpine Marina Triathlon distance:Swim distance is 400 meters.
Bike distance is 10 miles.
Run distance is 3 miles.
Run distance is 1.5 miles.
Bike distance is 10 miles.
Run distance is 3 miles.
You are needed from 6 am to 11 am. Our races start at 8:00 am unless stated the otherwise. Once you arrived, report to our Race Directors (George or Hunter). They will go over your race duty as well as where you need to be. Don’t leave until the race is finished. You have to sign out to earn your race credit for your next race.
The Alpine Marina Triathlon/Duathlon is not USAT certified or sanctioned. USAT racing license isn’t required to compete in our race.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
400 m
10 mi
3 mi
400 m강사이클링
10 mi도로러닝
3 mi도로
1.5 mi
10 mi
3 mi
1.5 mi도로사이클링
10 mi도로러닝
3 mi도로
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
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버전: 10.7.4