"All in for ALS" Fundraiser 5k for Debbie Lancaster
3.1 mi
이벤트 정보
This 5k Walk/Run will take place at Sam Micheals Park on October 2nd 2021 at 9AM. This park is approximately 130 acres located off of Job Corps Road in Harpers Ferry, WV. The trail map can be located on Sam Micheals Park website. The trail used for this 5k fundraiser will be the "5k Course" displayed in pink. For those who may be unfamiliar with this 5k course, it is 3.1 miles long and primarily natural terrain (dirt, grass). We encourage you to come walk/run with us in support of Debbie Lancaster. The registration fee of $30 will go towards the costs of medical care for Debbie Lancaster, who was recently diagnosed with ALS. ALS also known as "Lou Gehrig's" disease is a terminal musculoskeletal illness with an unfortunate life expectancy. This walk/run with solely be for fundraising purposes and is categorized as a "fun run" there will not be competition timers present to clock your times.
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버전: 10.9.5