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Premier Health is excited to announce the African American Wellness Walk (AAWW) is returning for its 24th year! This year’s theme is “Moving Hearts & Soles”. The 5K walk/run will be a hybrid event, with both a virtual and an in-person option. The in-person 5K walk will take place at Island MetroPark (101 East Helena Street, Dayton, OH 45405) on Saturday, Aug. 17., with a program at 7:30 a.m., followed by the 5K walk at 8 a.m.
Last year’s AAWW had more than 1,700 participants. Together we raised an incredible $20,000 for Central State and Wilberforce Universities!
This year, we’re running it back. As we continue to invest in our local historical black colleges and universities (HBCUs), our goal is to, once again, raise $50,000 to benefit the students at Central State and Wilberforce Universities.
The theme of this year's African American Wellness Walk is: "Moving Hearts & Soles". Registration for the 5K walk is free. This is a hybrid event. Participants may participate virtually and/or in-person. In-Person Walk Date: Saturday, August 17, 2024 In-Person Walk Time: Gates open at 7:30 AM. The walk begins at 8:00 AM. Full agenda coming soon. In-Person Walk Location: Island MetroPark, 101 E Helena St, Dayton, OH 45405
The theme of this year's African American Wellness Walk is: "Moving Hearts & Soles". Registration for the 5K walk is free. This is a hybrid event. Participants may participate virtually and/or in-person. In-Person Walk Date: Saturday, August 17, 2024 In-Person Walk Time: Gates open at 7:30 AM. The walk begins at 8:00 AM. Full agenda coming soon. In-Person Walk Location: Island MetroPark, 101 E Helena St, Dayton, OH 45405
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버전: 10.9.3