이벤트 정보
Don your festive holiday jammies and join in the 16th annual A Positive Step 5K, taking place Saturday morning, December 14th, starting and ending at the Southernmost Beach Café,1405 Duval Street, Key West. Race day check-in starts at 7:00am with 8:00am start time. After the race, enjoy refreshments, prizes and a fabulous silent auction.
Pre-race packet pickup is Friday, Dec. 13th from 5:00-7:00pm at the Southernmost Beach Café. Runners and walkers of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate; registrants receive a free t-shirt. Presented by A Positive Step of Monroe County, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving Monroe County’s highest risk kids and their families since 1999 and the Key West Southernmost Runners Club. Donations are tax deductible; proceeds benefit APSMC; prizes for most festive and unusual PJ’s.
Race begins at Southernmost Beach Café, right on South Street, to Casa Marina, past Higgs Beach and White Street Pier to a turnaround point and back. All Miles will be marked.
Proceeds benefit A Positive Step of Monroe County, Please visit www.apsmc.org
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