21k Electrolit Guadalajara
에디션 기록
Guadalajara, 멕시코
23 2월, 2025 (일)
21.097 km
시리즈의 일부: 2025 World Atheltic Label Road Race
이벤트 정보
Close to 9,000 runners from all over the world have come together to take part in the biggest athletic event of Jalisco. The response from the athletes was so overwhelming that the initially planned quota of 8,000 was quickly filled, prompting the Municipal Council of Guadalajara (COMUDE) to extend the registrations to 9,000.
The CEO of COMUDE, MSc. Fernando Ortega Ramos, was delighted with the positive feedback the new route 21K Electrolit Guadalajara had received; the route passes through the main avenues of the city. This is an event not to be missed for any international traveler seeking a unique and thrilling experience.
The CEO of COMUDE, MSc. Fernando Ortega Ramos, was delighted with the positive feedback the new route 21K Electrolit Guadalajara had received; the route passes through the main avenues of the city. This is an event not to be missed for any international traveler seeking a unique and thrilling experience.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Medio Maratón
23 2월, 2025 (일)
21.097 km
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버전: 10.7.4