15 km de Woluwé-St-Lambert
이벤트 정보
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 8주 남았습니다
1,1 km
1.1 km
25 km Trail
25.5 km
Marche 12 km
12.5 km
Marche 8 km
8 km
15 km
15.4 km
6 km
6.6 km
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
15,4km This is a route for (somewhat) experienced runners that begins and ends with the most beautiful running promenade in Brussels, designed on a former rehabilitated railway line. The variety of the route, alternating green spaces and the city, and its relief using the slight slopes of the Woluwe valley, make this popular route beautiful. 6.6km This route is ideal for beginner runners who can admire the green promenade or Parc Malou before finishing on the blue track of Stade Fallon. 8 or 12km walk, more sporty and contemplative, designed in the Sonian Forest starts and ends via the green promenade. 25km Trail The beautiful trail course starts and ends at the Stade Fallon. It takes the green promenade at its beginning, before diving into the beautiful Sonian Forest! Distance: 25.2km (453m D+ ITRA certified)
시작 지점
Fallon Stadium, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgium완료 지점
Fallon Stadium, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgium코스 경로 지도
참가 시 제공되는 항목
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제휴 파트너
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버전: 10.7.4